Monday, August 6, 2012

Back to School Health and Safety Tips

We’re just weeks, or maybe days, away from the kids heading back to school for another year. Even if the new clothes and school supplies are already purchased, there are still things you can do to make sure your children stay safe and healthy during the upcoming school year. Below are several parts of the school experience to consider when preparing the kids for another year and a few tips associated with each one. 

Food for Thought
Kids often don’t want to pack the healthiest items for lunch, and breakfast is frequently overlooked when everyone is in a hurry each morning. But both meals are important to the child’s ability to learn in the classroom.  Below are a few tips from a group of experts and authors on the subject.

1. Make sure the kids are eating breakfast. Items like fortified cereals with low-fat milk, eggs, Canadian bacon and fruit are ideal fuel for a day at school.

2. For lunch, make sandwiches with whole-grain bread and deli meats. Include fruit, but not with sugary dipping sauces.

3. Desserts shouldn’t be an everyday item in the lunch box. The occasional sweet treat is fine, but don’t teach your kids to expect a candy bar or cupcake every day.

4. Even though they often get to make their own choice at school, kids should be encouraged to drink water or milk with their lunch. Most juices, soft drinks and chocolate milk have too much sugar.

Staying Healthy
Nothing makes the school/work day any more difficult than a sick child, and the best way to prevent sick days is to remain aware of how kids get sick in the first place.

1.  It’s always a good idea to make sure the kids are up-to-date on all vaccines before school starts. This won’t prevent the occasional cold, but you can hopefully prevent the flu and any major illnesses with the necessary vaccines.

2.  Teach the kids to wash their hands frequently while at school, especially after lunch and going to the playground.

3.  Instruct your kids not to share items like water bottles or drinking cups with their friends and classmates.
Keeping Safe
Illnesses aren’t the only potential dangers for a child headed back to school. The start of a new year is a good time to remind young kids about some basic safety practices when they’re on their own at school.

1. The age-old adage still applies: Don’t talk to strangers, and be especially careful in public places like the bus stop, the park or a public playground.

2. Use the buddy system. For walks to the bus stop, field trips and after-school activities, its best for kids to stay with a group or take someone with them if they need to leave everyone else.

3. Teach kids proper playground behavior. If your child doesn’t start the pushing and shoving and knows to walk away, he or she will greatly reduce the risk of injury on the playground.  

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