Monday, July 30, 2012

Pertussis – Why You Might Need a Booster Vaccine

Many adults typically think of vaccinations as something we get as children and then don’t have to worry about again. Did you know specific vaccinations are recommended for adults to receive a “booster” dose and are proven to prevent numerous diseases such as pertussis (commonly known as whooping cough), tetanus and even shingles?

Pertussis is becoming increasingly active in the U.S. and is also a problem worldwide as well. Here are some alarming facts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
·       There are 30-50 million cases of pertussis, commonly known as whooping cough, each year worldwide.
·       There have been several outbreaks of pertussis in the US this year alone.
·       Despite many children receiving the pertussis vaccine, especially in developed countries such as the United States, it is one of the leading causes of vaccine-preventable deaths.
·       There are about 300,000 deaths, worldwide, every year from pertussis.
·       Ninety percent of all cases occur in the developing world.

Booster vaccination against pertussis is especially important for:
·       Pregnant women
·       Women who plan to become pregnant
·       Parents or caregivers of infants, especially babies that were born prematurely

According the March of Dimes, in up to 80 percent of infant pertussis cases, when the source of the disease was identified, babies caught the disease from a family member, primarily a parent. Research from the CDC also shows that if one member of a household has it, there's a 90 to 100 percent chance that other susceptible household members will catch it.

Because cases of pertussis are so prevalent in the developing world, it is especially important that you are vaccinated before you travel. The Little Clinic offers Travel Healthcare Services at select locations; these services will tell you about both the recommended and required vaccinations and medications needed prior to traveling to a specific country.

Don’t let your loved one catch pertussis because you didn’t get the booster vaccine you needed. In fact, August is National Immunization Awareness Month – a great time to drop by The Little Clinic and find out which vaccinations you may need as an adult. You can even check with the provider about the vaccinations your children may need before heading back to school.

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