Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Coffee Break

Why is it that weekends fly so fast and weekdays seem to last forever? To stay upbeat through a long work week, I often like to indulge in something that's just for me - whether it's rocking out at my Bollywood dance class, zen-ing out at yoga, or starting my day off right at my favorite coffee shop...

I get inexplicable joy out of the simple act of enjoying a wholesome cup of coffee paired with some carbs - whether it's a bagel, croissant, scone, muffin, or cupcake (I think I get it from my mother)! Today, with a sinfully soft apricot-thyme scone and a frothy cappuccino in hand, I could do no wrong. Hey, it's the little things that get you through the day, right? Thank you, Stumptown Coffee!

Readers, what are things you like to do to get through the week?

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