Monday, May 21, 2012

Tips for Eating Out

Are you trying to be more health conscious? Wanting to make better choices concerning your lifestyle and especially your diet? You probably think that means you can’t join your friends or family at your favorite restaurant.

Not to worry! With these helpful tips for eating out, you can enjoy a full meal and not stress about the consequences. Remember, one of the keys to healthy eating is that you consume a diet that fits your lifestyle, even if that means frequent trips to local restaurants. 

Plan Ahead
Check to see if the restaurant’s menu is posted online before you go. If you select your meal in advance when you’re not hungry, you’re more likely to choose something healthy. If you’re hungry and greeted with three pages of delicious ideas, it’s much easier to wander astray. Most importantly, make your choice and stick to it!

Eat Your Portion, Your Way
There’s no rule that says you have to eat everything on the plate. You can ask about the portion size before ordering and either order a half portion or ask for a box when you’re finished. When you take half of it home, the second meal is free!

This tip doesn’t just apply to portion size. Does the sandwich you want come with a special sauce? Ask what’s in it, and have it brought on the side if necessary.  The same goes for side dishes. If it’s not what you want, ask for something healthier.

Beware Hidden Calories
Did you order a soft drink instead of water? Did you put butter on your bread?  What about sour cream and cheese on your baked potato? All of those are hidden calories that you’re probably not counting. Either allow for them in your diet or cut them out!

Pay Attention to How Your Meal is Prepared
This is the easiest one. Baked, roasted and grilled are the healthiest options. Limit how often you order  fried foods because of the fat and cholesterol content.   If ordered, remember the portion rule.

There are healthy and unhealthy options at every restaurant. Preparation and diligence are all you need to separate the two. If you’re hungry for more tips on eating out – healthy style, click here.

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