The experts agreed that examined tea leaves, tea content -beneficial compounds such as polyphenols, theofilin, flavonoids / metixantin, tannins, vitamin C and E. All that is not only useful as antimutagenic and anticancer agents, to treat digestive tract disorders, as well as help neutralize fat in the diet, but also prevents oxidation of low density of fat could be a plaque, lowers blood cholesterol, freshen breath, and stimulates the brain stem.
The types of tea and its benefits:
Three cups of black tea per day is believed to reduce the risk of kardiovasskuler diseases such as heart disease, lowers kadarkolesterol, hypertension, and stroke. Because the substance of flavonoids quercetin, kaempfrol, and myrecetin in tea can prevent blood vessel damage caused by oxidation of cholesterol, affects levels of stress hormones.
Highest content of anti-oxidants can be found in white tea made from the buds of tea plants. In addition to preventing the effects of premature aging, high anti-oxidants in white tea also prevent wrinkles because it could protect the two proteins that keep skin elastisitaas namely elastin and kologen.
Oolong tea
Contain the most catechins, antimicrobial compounds that can prevent cavities.
Another type of tea that have antimicrobial properties that most closely oolong tea is black tea.
This type of tea is the most popular in china and japan. Tea is also considered most beneficial to health, especially as cancer-fighting properties. This tea was obtained from fresh tea leaf that has heating with steam at high temperatures. The benefit is slimming.
Peppermint tea A cup of peppermint tea that tastes like menthol balm can reduce abdominal muscle contractions are increased when there is irritation of the intestines.
Behind the benefit and enjoyment of tea, there pulah we need to know about the dangers of tea. Can not drink tea more than 24 hours because it can cause diarrhea. Besides, if it can consume too much can interfere with iron absorption, interfere with kidney function, it can even damage the kidneys. There should also note that for women who breastfeed are prohibited from drinking strong tea.
To obtain the usefulness, the tea should be drunk with the right dose. Tea should be brewed with sufficient viscosity, which is a pack of tea bags for one cup. If the levels of tea too little, then the benefits would be a bit too.
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